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Monday, May 6, 2013

All are Welcome?

Okay so this post relates to my last post on the Woman Ordained as Priests
(see here: Woman Ordained as Priest?)
This time the question is "Is everyone truly welcomed into the Church?" (see this post here: All are Welcome?)

Now we should all know by now that the Catholic Church invites everyone to join them. Since Christ instituted the Church, any person is invited to join regardless of race, gender, etc. There is no discrimination between members since it is universal. This also leads into some major confusion however. Some people think it is unfair/incorrect for a group of people to say that all are welcome, but there are a bunch of rules to be followed.

Let me explain. First to get an idea, you could look at some of the comments to the article above. Some people hate the fact that all are welcome, but there are rules/regulations that the Church states. The Church does accept people that are homosexual, woman that are struggling with rape and leaning towards abortion among many of the more influential topics of today's society. This however does not change the fact that the Church will just accept the sin. The Church prays for the person with this condition, however the act in itself is only for a male and female. Even though the woman who was raped now has a child, all life is precious. Aborting the baby is killing. Even though there might be extenuating circumstances, this does not change some fundamental beliefs.

Here's what the real problem is in society. There are too many people who want to be a 'god.' Instead of conforming to God, they take the sin of pride and say that God should conform to them. In the case of the female ministers, they blame the Church because they look at the role of priesthood as an occupation rather than a vocation. Even though they might seem similar in terminology, they are different. An occupation is a job, but a vocation is a role that God calls you too. These people who do not accept this fact basically state, "I choose to ignore God and will do what I want." Sure these people may have the right heart, but it does not change the fact that they are slapping God in the face by choosing to go against him. Instead of looking at this objectively, they take everything personally and go with the flow of society. Instead of conforming to God, they choose to turn away from him by being better than him. This same fault can be seen all across the ages including the beginning with Adam and Eve. They wanted to be 'gods' so that they could be better than God. They freely chose to eat from the tree. Even though the times have changed, this same sin continues to burden society.

The Church does in fact accept anyone. Just don't go making the Church follow your own beliefs. If you want to point out flaws, go talk to the Church officials instead of just raging and abandoning your faith. If you so easily abandon it, either you lacked faith or you just did not care. There is always a reason, so be patient. Follow the will of God and you will find the truth.

In the end I veered off topic, but I do hope whomever reads this takes this to heart.

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