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Thursday, April 11, 2013

St. Francis de Sales

St. Francis de Sales was one of the saints who preached during the times of the Protestant Reformation. He was French born in the year 1567. For thirteen years he knew he wanted to be a priest, yet when his father wished for him to be a soldier, he kept his lips closed on the subject. While doing his studies of law in Padua, he continued to keep silent about his wished while practicing mental prayer constantly. Even while his bishop stated that there would be a place for him, Francis continued to wait. He was patient and wanted to fully discern God's path for him.

God's long awaited call did happen during a journey on horseback. He fell three times; each time his sword and scabbard fell into the sign of the cross. He joined the priesthood and was elevated to provost of his diocese which was second in rank to the bishop.

Then St. Francis got the idea to convert 6,000 men who were Calvinists in Switzerland. His father refused to aid him, so the only people on his expedition were himself and his cousin. For three years, they faced cold winters and hardships from the people, yet not gaining one convert. After these three bitter years, even his cousin left him.

His virtue of patience rewarded him though. As he would be rejected at the doors of people, he put to use his great talents as a writer and slid his sermons underneath the doors of those who rejected him. (First recorded use of religious tracts used as communication.)

Parents still were wary of him, so he spread his message to the children. When he showed his care with the children, they began to warm to St. Francis.

He went on and began to convert many of these Calvinists along with many others. He is also quite known for his writing which was used in his mission of converting the masses. It is due to this he is known as a Doctor of the Church. St. Francis de Sales became an important saint through his talent for writing, but also for his silent patience and perseverance even during the bitterest of trials.

He is the patron saint of writers and his feast is January 24.

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